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Donald Trump Jr cracks under the pressure

By Bill Palmer | 06/11/2021

Congressman Ted Lieu calls for Merrick Garland to clean house

By Bill Palmer | 06/11/2021

Turns out the Trump DOJ spying scandal was even broader than we thought

By Bill Palmer | 06/11/2021

DOJ Inspector General investigation is now official

By Bill Palmer | 06/11/2021

Merrick Garland takes a big step toward righting the ship

By Bocha Blue | 06/11/2021

Senate Judiciary Committee targets Bill Barr and Jeff Sessions in Trump DOJ spying scandal

By Bill Palmer | 06/11/2021

A tale of two First Ladies

By Robert Harrington | 06/11/2021

Turns out it was Rod Rosenstein all along

By Bill Palmer | 06/11/2021

Merrick Garland comes out swinging

By Bill Palmer | 06/11/2021

Michael Cohen rips the Trump DOJ to pieces

By Bill Palmer | 06/11/2021


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