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Allen Weisselberg is about to become “collateral damage”

By Bill Palmer | 06/16/2021

Lindsey Graham no longer appears to know what planet he’s on

By Bocha Blue | 06/16/2021

How President Biden scored a big win today over Vladimir Putin

By Bill Palmer | 06/16/2021

The real deal with Merrick Garland

By Bocha Blue | 06/16/2021

Get ready to pile on: Joe Manchin just signaled he’s ready to cave on HR1

By Bill Palmer | 06/16/2021

Mitch McConnell is at it again

By Brutal Publicist | 06/16/2021

Donald Trump is making a huge mistake

By Robert Harrington | 06/16/2021

The train is leaving the station

By Shirley Kennedy | 06/16/2021

It’s all hitting the fan at once now

By Bill Palmer | 06/16/2021

Former SDNY official Richard Signorelli demands Donald Trump’s criminal prosecution

By Bill Palmer | 06/15/2021


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