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Donald Trump’s Fourth of July plans just got ruined

By Bill Palmer | 06/29/2021

NSA tells off Tucker Carlson

By Bill Palmer | 06/29/2021

The criminal case against Rudy Giuliani just got even uglier for him

By Bill Palmer | 06/29/2021

Tucker Carlson just gave something away

By Bocha Blue | 06/29/2021

Donald Trump’s lawyer may have just blown it

By Bill Palmer | 06/29/2021

Get your popcorn ready

By Bill Palmer | 06/29/2021

Florida Republicans are tripping over each other to see who can blow it the worst

By Brutal Publicist | 06/29/2021

Michael Cohen says New York already has enough evidence to indict Donald Trump – and he should know

By Bill Palmer | 06/29/2021

Ted Cruz just found a whole new way to humiliate himself

By Bocha Blue | 06/29/2021

The real game Donald Trump’s lawyer is now playing

By Robert Harrington | 06/29/2021


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