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Megyn Kelly just found a whole new way to embarrass herself

By Bocha Blue | 07/04/2021

The hint from Ivanka Trump that no one is talking about

By Bill Palmer | 07/04/2021

Chris Christie is crashing and burning

By Bocha Blue | 07/03/2021

Even Trump-appointed judges are ruling against his insurrectionist pals

By Ron Leshnower | 07/03/2021

Donald Trump Jr. is falling to pieces

By Bocha Blue | 07/03/2021

Donald Trump’s stalemate

By Robert Harrington | 07/03/2021

Wouldn’t want to be Kevin McCarthy right now

By Bocha Blue | 07/03/2021

The Supreme Court just showed its true colors

By Nelson Checkoway | 07/03/2021

This January 6th Capitol attacker is a complete idiot

By Suzanne Shatto | 07/03/2021

Marc Elias comes out swinging on voting rights laws

By Bill Palmer | 07/03/2021


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