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“Cheater and a loser”

By Bill Palmer | 07/05/2021

This is a dumpster fire

By Bocha Blue | 07/05/2021

The Arizona election “audit” is on a path to destruction

By Sheree McSpadden | 07/05/2021

Right wing evangelicals are going even further off the deep end

By Justin Hodges | 07/05/2021

Rudy Giuliani has been marooned by Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 07/05/2021

Matt Gaetz is just about out of time

By Bill Palmer | 07/05/2021

This is just getting painful for Lindsey Graham

By Bocha Blue | 07/05/2021

Joe Biden just nailed it

By James Sullivan | 07/05/2021

Donald Trump Jr. just made things even worse

By Shirley Kennedy | 07/05/2021

Allen Weisselberg is going through some things

By Bill Palmer | 07/05/2021


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