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Rudy Giuliani just took another blow

By Bill Palmer | 07/07/2021

Mo Brooks runs and hides like a coward

By James Sullivan | 07/07/2021

Ivanka Trump could be next

By Bill Palmer | 07/07/2021

The battle over Critical Race Theory is just beginning

By Shirley Kennedy | 07/07/2021

GOP Governor Kristi Noem just found a whole new way to embarrass herself

By Bocha Blue | 07/07/2021

Michael Flynn could end up court-martialed after all

By Suzanne Shatto | 07/07/2021

These white supremacists just cut and ran

By Bocha Blue | 07/07/2021

Donald Trump’s “nine lives have expired”

By Bill Palmer | 07/07/2021

Yes, Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, and Matt Gaetz really are on track for prison

By Bill Palmer | 07/07/2021

Washington DC statehood

By Bocha Blue | 07/06/2021


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