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President Biden drops the hammer

By Sheree McSpadden | 07/09/2021

Matt Gaetz can’t troll his way out of this

By Bill Palmer | 07/09/2021

This is just embarrassing for Lindsey Graham

By Bocha Blue | 07/09/2021

Donald Trump’s worsening cash grab

By Sheree McSpadden | 07/09/2021

Donald Trump’s growing hatred of Ron DeSantis could derail his 2022 reelection chances in Florida

By Bill Palmer | 07/09/2021

Bad news for Trump lawyers Sidney Powell and Lin Wood

By Ministry of Trvth | 07/09/2021

Donald Trump caught with his hand in the cookie jar again

By Shirley Kennedy | 07/09/2021

The MAGA crowd is losing it

By DC Rapier | 07/09/2021

Three strikes for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 07/09/2021

Frankly, we already knew Trump admired Hitler

By Robert Harrington | 07/08/2021


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