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CPAC is a complete dumpster fire

By Brutal Publicist | 07/11/2021

Chuck Schumer comes out swinging

By Sheree McSpadden | 07/11/2021

The Republican Chernobyl

By Robert Harrington | 07/11/2021

Donald Trump Jr melts down over Dr. Jill Biden

By Bocha Blue | 07/11/2021

The MAGA loons are falling to pieces

By DC Rapier | 07/11/2021

Kevin McCarthy is backed into a no-win corner

By Bocha Blue | 07/11/2021

White evangelicals are dying out

By Sheree McSpadden | 07/11/2021

The booby trap that’s going to trip up a whole lot of House Republicans in 2022

By Bocha Blue | 07/11/2021

Lauren Boebert can’t handle the truth

By Justin Hodges | 07/11/2021

This is ugly for Marco Rubio

By Bocha Blue | 07/11/2021


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