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Donald Trump continues to kill people

By Robert Harrington | 07/12/2021

Donald Trump throws Allen Weisselberg under the bus

By Bill Palmer | 07/12/2021

Texas Republicans just got schooled

By Shirley Kennedy | 07/12/2021

Sidney Powell is going through some things today

By Bill Palmer | 07/12/2021

This is ugly for Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds

By Jesse Green | 07/12/2021

Even Fox News is now running disclaimers against Donald Trump

By Sheree McSpadden | 07/12/2021

The inmates are running the asylum

By Bocha Blue | 07/12/2021

Michael Cohen comes out swinging

By Bill Palmer | 07/12/2021

Texas Democrats are fighting back big time

By Fair Observer | 07/11/2021

Kevin McCarthy’s no-win decision

By DC Rapier | 07/11/2021


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