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Joe Biden’s got this

By Bill Palmer | 07/14/2021

Former prosecutor thinks this could be the impetus to get Allen Weisselberg to flip on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 07/13/2021

This isn’t going very well for Allen Weisselberg

By Bocha Blue | 07/13/2021

Beware of these “moderate” Republicans

By DC Rapier | 07/13/2021

Ivanka Trump has a new mess on her hands

By Bill Palmer | 07/13/2021

The Republican Party is ripping itself apart as Donald Trump circles the drain

By Ron Leshnower | 07/13/2021

Republican National Committee lawyer gives up the game

By Robert Harrington | 07/13/2021

Federal Election Commission complaint filed against rogue Republican

By Jesse Green | 07/13/2021

Matt Gaetz gets desperate

By Bill Palmer | 07/13/2021

Marjorie Taylor Greene is going to be sorry she picked this fight

By Bocha Blue | 07/13/2021


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