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Fox News gets caught in the act

By Bocha Blue | 07/19/2021

Nice try, Kevin McCarthy!

By DC Rapier | 07/19/2021

Twitter finally cracks down on Marjorie Taylor Greene

By Bill Palmer | 07/19/2021

Nancy Pelosi’s next move against Kevin McCarthy’s ridiculous January 6th committee picks

By Bill Palmer | 07/19/2021

This is not what you want to hear

By Bill Palmer | 07/19/2021

Fear of what comes next

By Robert Harrington | 07/19/2021

The GOP never got the memo

By Bocha Blue | 07/19/2021

“The best justice system money can buy”

By Lorraine Evanoff | 07/19/2021

Trump lawyer goes bonkers

By Bocha Blue | 07/19/2021

New developments in Arizona criminal investigation into Donald Trump’s election tampering

By Bill Palmer | 07/19/2021


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