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Tom Barrack’s arrest could turn ugly for Allen Weisselberg

By Bill Palmer | 07/21/2021

Nancy Pelosi just totally outwitted Kevin McCarthy on the January 6th committee

By Bill Palmer | 07/21/2021

Lindsey Graham has no idea what he’s even trying to do

By Bocha Blue | 07/21/2021

Is Kellyanne Conway about to take Donald Trump down with her?

By Robert Harrington | 07/21/2021

Nancy Pelosi’s got this

By Bocha Blue | 07/21/2021

No one in Trump world is safe now

By Bill Palmer | 07/21/2021

Ron Desantis is spiraling out of control

By Bocha Blue | 07/20/2021

Kevin McCarthy’s endgame

By Brutal Publicist | 07/20/2021

Donald Trump melts down about Mitch McConnell as it all goes wrong for him

By Shirley Kennedy | 07/20/2021

Turns out that story about Merrick Garland letting Wilbur Ross off the hook was false reporting

By Bill Palmer | 07/20/2021


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