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Has Jared Kushner flipped on Trump?

By Robert Harrington | 07/24/2021

Tucker Carlson throws a complete tantrum

By Bocha Blue | 07/24/2021

This one is turning into a dumpster fire for the Republicans

By Bocha Blue | 07/24/2021

Is the Georgia criminal case against Donald Trump really in trouble?

By Bill Palmer | 07/24/2021

Kevin McCarthy doesn’t know which end is up

By James Sullivan | 07/24/2021

Tom Barrack isn’t going anywhere

By Bill Palmer | 07/24/2021

Kevin McCarthy is taking on water from all sides

By Bocha Blue | 07/24/2021

This is why we elected Joe Biden

By Brutal Publicist | 07/24/2021

Joe Biden is getting it done

By Ron Leshnower | 07/24/2021

The downfall of Matt Gaetz

By Bill Palmer | 07/24/2021


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