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Even for Tucker Carlson, this is a whole new low

By Justin Hodges | 07/28/2021

This just got even uglier for Mo Brooks

By Bill Palmer | 07/28/2021

Donald Trump just lost another one

By Sheree McSpadden | 07/28/2021

Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr in trouble in Washington DC Attorney General probe

By Bill Palmer | 07/28/2021

Chuck Todd just flat out admitted it

By James Sullivan | 07/28/2021

New trouble for Matt Gaetz

By Bocha Blue | 07/28/2021

Jared Kushner cuts and runs

By Bill Palmer | 07/28/2021

Donald Trump Jr is not well

By Bocha Blue | 07/28/2021

Welcome to the world of the Trump junky

By Robert Harrington | 07/28/2021

Trump supporter makes utterly deranged threat against Officer Fanone after his testimony

By Sheree McSpadden | 07/28/2021


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