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The real reason Matt Gaetz hasn’t been arrested yet

By Bill Palmer | 07/30/2021

Donald Trump gets caught in the act

By Bocha Blue | 07/30/2021

DOJ makes major ruling against Donald Trump on his tax returns

By Bill Palmer | 07/30/2021

Trump’s big loss could have a big impact on the midterms

By James Sullivan | 07/30/2021

Caitlyn Jenner goes AWOL

By Bocha Blue | 07/30/2021

Team Trump hits the panic button

By Bill Palmer | 07/30/2021

Joe Biden just nailed it

By Sheree McSpadden | 07/29/2021

No wonder Jim Jordan is nervous

By Bocha Blue | 07/29/2021

Someone from the Trump DOJ is leaking the ugly details of Donald Trump’s 2020 election crime spree

By Bill Palmer | 07/29/2021

Fox stooge Laura Ingraham goes completely off the rails

By Bocha Blue | 07/29/2021


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