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Crowdsourcing justice

By Robert Harrington | 08/19/2021

New scandal for Donald Trump and Bill Barr

By Ron Leshnower | 08/19/2021

Matt Gaetz needs help

By Bocha Blue | 08/19/2021

Marjorie Taylor Greene completely loses it

By Justin Hodges | 08/19/2021

The MAGA loons are more out of control than ever

By Bocha Blue | 08/19/2021

Mo Brooks goes full terrorist

By Bill Palmer | 08/19/2021

Domestic terrorist who threatened to blow up Capitol today is reportedly a big fan of Donald Trump Jr.

By Bill Palmer | 08/19/2021

Is Steve Bannon’s arrest next?

By Bill Palmer | 08/19/2021


By Bocha Blue | 08/19/2021

Fox News pundit goes completely bonkers on air

By James Sullivan | 08/19/2021


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