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This is a bunch of horse crap

By Bocha Blue | 08/21/2021

The phony Arizona election “audit” goes even further off the rails

By James Sullivan | 08/21/2021

Republicans are changing their minds and hoping we don’t notice

By Robert Harrington | 08/21/2021

This Capitol insurrectionist may have just gotten himself thrown back in jail

By Jesse Green | 08/21/2021

This doesn’t look good for Republican Senator Ron Johnson

By Bocha Blue | 08/21/2021

Georgia Republicans just can’t help themselves

By Shirley Kennedy | 08/21/2021

Arizona Governor Doug Ducey drops a double dose of disaster

By Brutal Publicist | 08/21/2021

Donald Trump’s deadly new rally

By Bocha Blue | 08/21/2021

The Feds are now one step from Roger Stone’s and Alex Jones’ doorstep

By Bill Palmer | 08/21/2021


By Bocha Blue | 08/21/2021


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