
Personal note from Bill Palmer – we're going to win this election! Help support Palmer Report at this crucial time:
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Brian Williams slam dunks Fox News

By Bocha Blue | 09/22/2021

Michael Flynn has completely whacked out meltdown, gives something away

By Bill Palmer | 09/22/2021

The way forward

By Robert Harrington | 09/22/2021

Larry Elder waves the white flag

By Bocha Blue | 09/22/2021

This is out of control

By Jesse Green | 09/22/2021

What’s really eating up these MAGA loons

By Bocha Blue | 09/22/2021

The Democrats’ agenda is just getting started

By Bill Palmer | 09/22/2021

Republican official dies of COVID

By Jesse Green | 09/21/2021

What did Mike Pence know and when did he know it?

By Bocha Blue | 09/21/2021

The Trump-Russia scandal is what we thought it was

By TR Kenneth | 09/21/2021