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Donald Trump is angry

By Bocha Blue | 10/07/2021

Anti-vaxxer lunatic goes on murder spree

By Jesse Green | 10/07/2021

Donald Trump Jr just got roasted

By Bocha Blue | 10/07/2021

Ron DeSantis just royally blew it

By Bill Palmer | 10/07/2021

Josh Hawley is out of his maniacal mind

By Bocha Blue | 10/07/2021

Matt Gaetz just got punked

By Bill Palmer | 10/07/2021

Ali Alexander is having a really bad day – and so are Roger Stone and Mo Brooks

By Bill Palmer | 10/07/2021

Georgia criminal probe into Donald Trump gains new ammunition

By Shirley Kennedy | 10/07/2021

Thank you, Merrick Garland!

By Bocha Blue | 10/07/2021

Donald Trump, persona non grata

By Robert Harrington | 10/07/2021