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Donald Trump gets desperate

By Bill Palmer | 10/19/2021

Fox News shamefully tries to misrepresent General Colin Powell’s death and COVID

By Fair Observer | 10/18/2021

These MAGA loons are more out of control than ever

By Bocha Blue | 10/18/2021

Some Republicans never get tired of losing

By Robert Harrington | 10/18/2021

Chris Christie just found a whole new way to blow it

By Bocha Blue | 10/18/2021

Donald Trump you lost!

By Shirley Kennedy | 10/18/2021

Donald Trump tries last minute desperation National Archives gambit

By Bocha Blue | 10/18/2021

How many times can they get this wrong?

By Bill Palmer | 10/18/2021

Pete Buttigieg slam dunks Fox News host

By Bocha Blue | 10/18/2021

Senator Raphael Warnock strikes back hard against Trump stooge Herschel Walker

By Ron Leshnower | 10/18/2021


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