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November 1st is for all the marbles

By Bocha Blue | 10/23/2021

Roger Stone is about to go through some things

By Bill Palmer | 10/23/2021

This one is completely off the rails

By Bocha Blue | 10/23/2021

The Willard Hotel has turned into Donald Trump’s January 6th Watergate

By Bill Palmer | 10/23/2021

Steve Bannon is going to take a lot of people down with him

By TR Kenneth | 10/23/2021

Joe Biden just nailed it

By Bocha Blue | 10/23/2021

It’s now clear that Matt Gaetz is hosed. But just when will he be arrested?

By Bill Palmer | 10/23/2021

Marjorie Taylor Greene has total meltdown after Liz Cheney gets to her

By Bocha Blue | 10/22/2021

Donald Trump’s Rule 23 conundrum

By Robert Harrington | 10/22/2021

Looks like the Steve Bannon criminal referral did the trick: major 1/6 witness agrees to testify

By Bill Palmer | 10/22/2021


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