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House Democrats are making their move against Paul Gosar

By Bocha Blue | 11/11/2021

Nancy Pelosi just nailed it

By Robert Harrington | 11/11/2021

Adam Kinzinger slam dunks Kevin McCarthy

By Bill Palmer | 11/11/2021

This judge is not messing around when it comes to Donald Trump

By Shirley Kennedy | 11/11/2021

Greg Abbott is making an even uglier mess in Texas

By Bocha Blue | 11/11/2021

January 6th prison sentences were always heading in this direction

By Bill Palmer | 11/11/2021

How Donald Trump can take the entire GOP down

By Bocha Blue | 11/10/2021

Who’s going to replace Brian Williams?

By Bocha Blue | 11/10/2021

Enough with the fictional portrayals of what Merrick Garland is really doing

By James Sullivan | 11/10/2021

Great day for Joe Biden

By Bill Palmer | 11/10/2021


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