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The dam is about to break wide open

By TR Kenneth | 11/13/2021

Here’s when Donald Trump will end up indicted for contempt of Congress

By Bill Palmer | 11/13/2021

“Man, knock it off!”

By Bocha Blue | 11/13/2021

Steve Bannon has been indicted. Now what?

By Robert Harrington | 11/13/2021

So when will the next January 6th Committee criminal indictment happen?

By Bill Palmer | 11/13/2021

What doesn’t kill us…

By Bocha Blue | 11/13/2021

Michael Flynn just volunteered to be the biggest loser of the January 6th probe

By Bill Palmer | 11/13/2021

This is going to be ugly for Steve Bannon AND Donald Trump

By Bocha Blue | 11/13/2021

Mark Meadows is going through some things

By Bill Palmer | 11/13/2021

Steve Bannon is even dumber than we thought

By Bill Palmer | 11/12/2021


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