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This Florida Republican legislator just went completely bonkers off the rails

By Ron Leshnower | 11/14/2021

Turns out Trump election lawyer Jenna Ellis is totally screwed

By Bill Palmer | 11/14/2021

All of these Trump people will either cooperate or be arrested by the end of the year

By Bill Palmer | 11/14/2021

Liz Cheney has had enough of this crap

By Bocha Blue | 11/14/2021

Prepare yourself for the next round of “Steve Bannon is actually winning”

By Bill Palmer | 11/14/2021

GOP Senator Ron Johnson gets suspended

By Bocha Blue | 11/14/2021

Turns out Ron DeSantis is even more of a corrupt, vindictive and self defeating idiot than we thought

By Bill Palmer | 11/14/2021

Fox News gets caught in the act

By Bocha Blue | 11/13/2021

Here comes the special grand jury against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 11/13/2021

Everyone piles on after Tom Cotton throws a fit about the DOJ’s Steve Bannon indictment

By Bocha Blue | 11/13/2021


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