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Wrong, by design, every step of the way

By Bill Palmer | 11/16/2021

CNN gets destroyed for its “Being Chris Christie” debacle

By Bill Palmer | 11/16/2021

Donald Trump Jr. goes completely off the deep end after indictments start flying

By Bill Palmer | 11/16/2021

Steve Bannon is having exactly the wrong response to his indictment – and it’ll cost him

By DC Rapier | 11/15/2021

Donald Trump goes berserk after he gets sold out by former White House staffer

By Bocha Blue | 11/15/2021

Stop assigning magical powers to Steve Bannon

By Bill Palmer | 11/15/2021

This is going to be ugly for Donald Trump and Chris Christie

By Bocha Blue | 11/15/2021

The midterm math isn’t what you think

By Shirley Kennedy | 11/15/2021

Ted Cruz’s Big Bird debacle is blowing up in his face

By Bocha Blue | 11/15/2021

Two Joel Greenberg associates were just criminally indicted, and it’s time for Matt Gaetz to start quaking in his boots

By Bill Palmer | 11/15/2021


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