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New reelection trouble for Ron DeSantis in Florida

By Bocha Blue | 11/16/2021

How Merrick Garland’s DOJ put an end to these phony election “audits”

By Bill Palmer | 11/16/2021

Republican Senator gives away that the GOP has no idea how to handle the impending Trump implosion

By Bocha Blue | 11/16/2021

The Wyoming GOP has excommunicated Liz Cheney – and it’ll work in our favor

By Bill Palmer | 11/16/2021

The Chris Christie fallout continues

By Bocha Blue | 11/16/2021

Here’s why Steve Bannon and other indicted Trump people can’t just “run out the clock”

By Bill Palmer | 11/16/2021

This is just embarrassing for CNN

By Bocha Blue | 11/16/2021

Mark Meadows is about to be in a world of hurt

By Shirley Kennedy | 11/16/2021

Paul Gosar flames out

By Bocha Blue | 11/16/2021

Wrong, by design, every step of the way

By Bill Palmer | 11/16/2021


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