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The real reason House Republicans are afraid to do do anything about Paul Gosar

By Robert Harrington | 11/18/2021

This is just despicable

By Shirley Kennedy | 11/18/2021

Mike Pence is facing a no-win scenario

By Bocha Blue | 11/18/2021

Donald Trump just gave away how finished he is

By Bill Palmer | 11/18/2021

Lauren Boebert and Matt Gaetz just gave away that they’re both afraid of what’s coming next

By Bill Palmer | 11/18/2021

So this was a win for the Joe Biden administration after all

By James Sullivan | 11/17/2021

No wonder Lauren Boebert has been melting down so badly today

By Bill Palmer | 11/17/2021

Michael Cohen was absolutely right about Michael Carvajal

By Bill Palmer | 11/17/2021

New corruption scandal for Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds

By Jesse Green | 11/17/2021

FBI reportedly raids home of Lauren Boebert’s former campaign manager

By Bill Palmer | 11/17/2021


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