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Key economic expert changes sides, comes out in support of President Biden’s Build Back Better

By James Sullivan | 11/19/2021

This is turning into Donald Trump Jr.’s worst nightmare

By Shirley Kennedy | 11/19/2021

Kevin McCarthy flames out in spectacularly humiliating fashion

By Bill Palmer | 11/19/2021

This is completely out of control

By Lorraine Evanoff | 11/18/2021

House Republican Andy Biggs should be censored too

By Bocha Blue | 11/18/2021

The big stuff is coming and Steve Bannon knows it

By TR Kenneth | 11/18/2021

Paul Gosar just unwittingly handed us a huge gift

By Bill Palmer | 11/18/2021

January 6th attackers are running into new trouble in prison

By Robert Harrington | 11/18/2021

Chris Christie’s book tour lands with a thud

By James Sullivan | 11/18/2021

So much for Merrick Garland doing “nothing.” Now it looks like he’s off to the races.

By Bill Palmer | 11/18/2021


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