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The Republican National Committee has a Donald Trump money problem

By Bill Palmer | 11/23/2021

The Chris Wallace conundrum at Fox News

By Bocha Blue | 11/23/2021

Spoiler alert

By Bill Palmer | 11/23/2021

Why is Louie Gohmert really entering the race for Texas Attorney General?

By Bill Palmer | 11/22/2021

Matt Gaetz gets frantic

By Bocha Blue | 11/22/2021

Here’s the tipoff that new indictments may be about to surface in the New York criminal case against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 11/22/2021

Tucker Carlson debacle is tearing Fox News apart

By Bocha Blue | 11/22/2021

Michael Cohen says New York criminal indictments against Donald Trump and his kids are coming

By Bill Palmer | 11/22/2021

Chris Christie and the inmates running the asylum

By Bocha Blue | 11/22/2021

Roger Stone and Alex Jones now face a no-win situation that could have them arrested within weeks

By Bill Palmer | 11/22/2021


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