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Lauren Boebert just stepped in it

By Ron Leshnower | 11/26/2021

Roger Stone is already throwing people under the bus

By Bill Palmer | 11/26/2021

What does the Matthew Calamari news mean in the New York criminal probe into Donald Trump?

By Bill Palmer | 11/26/2021

Kevin McCarthy is having a sad

By Bocha Blue | 11/25/2021

These new numbers are devastating for Kyrsten Sinema

By Bocha Blue | 11/25/2021

Alex Jones is about to unwittingly hand a huge gift to the January 6th Committee

By Bill Palmer | 11/25/2021

Trump’s GOP goons are turning against Glenn Youngkin already

By Bocha Blue | 11/25/2021

Rachel Maddow hit the nail on the head with this one

By Bocha Blue | 11/25/2021

Thankful for justice being served

By Bill Palmer | 11/25/2021

This time the system worked

By Shirley Kennedy | 11/24/2021


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