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Donald Trump’s big misery tour flops

By Bocha Blue | 12/11/2021

Trump lawyer Jenna Ellis freaks out after realizing she’s in real trouble

By Bill Palmer | 12/11/2021

Fox News is burning

By Robert Harrington | 12/11/2021

The real reason Senate Republicans are going berserk about Merrick Garland

By Bocha Blue | 12/11/2021

Orange Florida Doofus

By Jesse Green | 12/11/2021

Don’t succumb to this

By Bocha Blue | 12/11/2021

So THIS is what the January 6th Committee has been doing all this time

By Bill Palmer | 12/11/2021

Ron Johnson takes the loss

By Bocha Blue | 12/10/2021

“This is a very bad day for Donald Trump”

By Bill Palmer | 12/10/2021

Matt Gaetz gives away the game

By James Sullivan | 12/10/2021


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