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So much for Rand Paul

By Jesse Green | 12/13/2021

The January 6th Committee just twisted the knife against Mark Meadows, who’s even more screwed than we thought

By Bill Palmer | 12/13/2021

The ground is suddenly shifting beneath the cable news networks’ feet

By Bocha Blue | 12/13/2021

This is what winning looks like

By Lorraine Evanoff | 12/13/2021

Paul Gosar goes off the deep end with “squealers and screamers” meltdown

By Bocha Blue | 12/13/2021

Liz Cheney sure was right about this Mark Meadows thing

By Bill Palmer | 12/13/2021

Rudy Giuliani sees dead people

By Bocha Blue | 12/13/2021

Donald Trump crashes and burns

By Jesse Green | 12/13/2021

Speaker Nancy Pelosi saddles up

By Bocha Blue | 12/13/2021

There’s no more perilous time than when things are heading in the right direction

By Bill Palmer | 12/13/2021


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