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Fox News circles the wagons

By Fair Observer | 12/16/2021

Surprise – things are looking up

By Bocha Blue | 12/16/2021

President Joe Biden’s judicial appointments are setting records

By Shirley Kennedy | 12/16/2021

Fox News goes off the rails

By Bocha Blue | 12/16/2021

Even Geraldo Rivera has had enough of this crap

By Robert Harrington | 12/16/2021

Donald Trump just lost big time in court

By James Sullivan | 12/16/2021

Why Liz Cheney can get away with things that the Democrats on the January 6th Committee can’t

By Bill Palmer | 12/16/2021

Merrick Garland is being proven right about this one

By Jesse Green | 12/15/2021

It’s all coming together now

By Bocha Blue | 12/15/2021

“Please check your signal”

By Ministry of Trvth | 12/15/2021


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