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Legal expert: New York Attorney General’s case against Trump Organization could be filed in “weeks or even days”

By Bill Palmer | 01/11/2022

Revealed: DOJ has lined up multiple January 6th defendants willing to admit Donald Trump incited Capitol attack

By Bill Palmer | 01/11/2022

Trump stooge Mo Brooks tries to cut and run

By Shirley Kennedy | 01/11/2022

Not so fast Matt Gaetz

By Bocha Blue | 01/11/2022

Rand Paul just stepped in it

By Bocha Blue | 01/11/2022

Jen Psaki just schooled Peter Doocy

By Robert Harrington | 01/11/2022

Bad news for Jim Jordan – and it could land him in prison

By Bill Palmer | 01/11/2022

These fools are just weak

By Jesse Green | 01/11/2022

These MAGA loons are more out of control than ever

By Bocha Blue | 01/11/2022

This was clear from the start

By Bill Palmer | 01/11/2022