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This Capitol attacker is even dumber than we thought

By Jesse Green | 01/14/2022

Donald Trump is trying to take Mitch McConnell down with him

By Bocha Blue | 01/14/2022

Merrick Garland: how do you like me now?

By Bill Palmer | 01/14/2022

Rand Paul caught in the act

By Bocha Blue | 01/14/2022

The DOJ’s January 6th due diligence has now landed it two steps from Donald Trump’s doorstep

By Bill Palmer | 01/14/2022

Donald Trump’s goons are carrying on without him

By Jesse Green | 01/13/2022

The Wolf of Downing Street

By Robert Harrington | 01/13/2022

Bad news for Donald Trump Jr.

By Bill Palmer | 01/13/2022

Ink on paper

By Bocha Blue | 01/13/2022

The Mark Meadows doomsday prophecy

By Bill Palmer | 01/13/2022


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