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Republican candidate loses, goes completely bonkers

By Shirley Kennedy | 01/18/2022

Oath Keepers vs Liz Cheney

By Bocha Blue | 01/18/2022

Roger Stone vows to take Ron DeSantis down with him

By Bill Palmer | 01/18/2022

Everyone piles on after Marco Rubio steps in it

By Bocha Blue | 01/17/2022

It’s all completely unraveling now

By TR Kenneth | 01/17/2022

Senate Democrats now think DOJ may prosecute Donald Trump. Here’s why they’re onto something.

By Bill Palmer | 01/17/2022

Immunity deal signals the end of Matt Gaetz

By Bill Palmer | 01/17/2022

Nice try, Kyrsten Sinema!

By Bocha Blue | 01/17/2022

Josh Hawley just sank to a whole new low

By Jesse Green | 01/17/2022

This is just embarrassing for GOP Senator Marsha Blackburn

By Bocha Blue | 01/17/2022


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