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This is just embarrassing for Donald Trump Jr.

By Bocha Blue | 01/18/2022

Jim Jordan may have just unwittingly done the January 6th Committee a favor

By James Sullivan | 01/18/2022

Matt Gaetz is having the worst week ever – and it’s about to get a lot worse

By Bill Palmer | 01/18/2022

Donald Trump’s tightrope

By Bill Palmer | 01/18/2022

More evidence emerges that the DOJ is building a criminal case against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 01/18/2022

Saw this coming a mile away

By Lorraine Evanoff | 01/18/2022

Legal challenge filed against Madison Cawthorn

By Bocha Blue | 01/18/2022

Donald Trump is an idiot

By Shirley Kennedy | 01/18/2022

This isn’t working out for Donald Trump

By Bocha Blue | 01/18/2022

Joe Manchin just got squeezed

By Bill Palmer | 01/18/2022


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