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Rudy Giuliani gets desperate

By Bocha Blue | 01/25/2022

The real Fox News agenda

By Robert Harrington | 01/25/2022

These QAnon loons are even further gone than we thought

By Bocha Blue | 01/25/2022

The most likely outcome of this buildup with Russia

By Bill Palmer | 01/25/2022

Virginia’s new Republican Attorney General might be even more deranged than Glenn Youngkin

By Bocha Blue | 01/25/2022

The Washington Post goes off the deep end as it becomes clear that Donald Trump is on track for criminal indictment

By Bill Palmer | 01/25/2022

This is whacked out even for Tucker Carlson

By Bocha Blue | 01/24/2022

Fulton County District Attorney now officially has Donald Trump right where she wants him

By Bill Palmer | 01/24/2022

Donald Trump hits the panic button as investigators move in on his kids

By Bocha Blue | 01/24/2022

Trump stooge Bernard Kerik gives up the goods to January 6th Committee

By Bill Palmer | 01/24/2022


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