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The rats are now turning on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 02/14/2022

Rand Paul isn’t even trying to hide it anymore

By Bocha Blue | 02/13/2022

The real reason Rudy Giuliani is in negotiations to testify to the January 6th Committee

By Bill Palmer | 02/13/2022

We need to talk about Marco Rubio

By Bocha Blue | 02/13/2022

The art of the possible

By Ron Leshnower | 02/13/2022

Liz Cheney is who we thought she was

By Bocha Blue | 02/13/2022

Donald Trump’s National Archives scandal just took an even more criminal turn

By Bill Palmer | 02/13/2022

Even the “Soup Nazi” thinks Marjorie Taylor Greene is an idiot

By Bocha Blue | 02/12/2022

Trump family crime spree gets even uglier

By TR Kenneth | 02/12/2022

The one man Donald Trump just can’t let go of

By Bocha Blue | 02/12/2022