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“Baloney” – Ted Cruz gets ripped to pieces

By Bocha Blue | 02/14/2022

This is whacked out even for Rand Paul

By Jesse Green | 02/14/2022

Donald Trump has completely psychotic meltdown as it all falls apart for him

By Bocha Blue | 02/14/2022

The real reason Mitch McConnell is moving on

By Robert Harrington | 02/14/2022

Sidney Powell’s legal trouble gets even uglier

By Bocha Blue | 02/14/2022

Into the breach

By Shirley Kennedy | 02/14/2022

This is a complete debacle for Greg Abbott

By Bocha Blue | 02/14/2022

New York case against Donald Trump heats up as accounting firm Mazars dumps him, says his finances are inaccurate

By Bill Palmer | 02/14/2022

The list just keeps growing

By Paulette Halpern | 02/14/2022

These MAGA loons are even further off the deep end than ever

By Bocha Blue | 02/14/2022