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This New York court ruling is even uglier for Donald Trump than you think

By Shirley Kennedy | 02/18/2022

Jim Acosta has had enough of this crap

By Bocha Blue | 02/18/2022

Where New York’s destruction of Donald Trump and his family goes from here

By Bill Palmer | 02/18/2022

Kevin McCarthy completely loses the plot

By Bocha Blue | 02/17/2022

Donald Trump: king of the unfalsifiable

By Robert Harrington | 02/17/2022

Donald Trump is essentially back on Twitter, and it’s time for Twitter to do something about it

By Bocha Blue | 02/17/2022

Melania Trump lashes out after learning she’s under investigation

By Ron Leshnower | 02/17/2022

Marjorie Taylor Greene just became a real problem for the Republicans in the midterms

By Bocha Blue | 02/17/2022

Rudy Giuliani confesses to secret stash of evidence in his bedroom, reveals just how far gone he is

By Bill Palmer | 02/17/2022

Donald Trump and his kids just lost big time in court

By Bocha Blue | 02/17/2022


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