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This is just embarrassing for GOP Senator Tim Scott

By Bocha Blue | 02/21/2022

Looks like Joe Rogan got away with it

By Bill Palmer | 02/20/2022

Bill Maher has completely jumped the shark

By Bill Palmer | 02/20/2022

Fox News gets spanked by its own expert

By Bocha Blue | 02/20/2022

Here come those Trump White House visitor logs

By Bill Palmer | 02/20/2022

Chuck Todd bottoms out

By Bill Palmer | 02/20/2022

Score one for Joe Biden

By Bill Palmer | 02/20/2022

Rand Paul has whacked out meltdown about peanuts

By Bocha Blue | 02/20/2022

This is outrageous

By Bill Palmer | 02/20/2022

“The House of Trump is crumbling”

By Bill Palmer | 02/19/2022


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