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The one thing Putin forgot

By Bill Palmer | 02/28/2022

Donald Trump just found a whole new way to solidify his reputation as worst “President” ever

By Ron Leshnower | 02/28/2022

President Biden blows off Putin

By Bill Palmer | 02/28/2022

This is just embarrassing for Bill Maher

By Jesse Green | 02/28/2022

The swift dismantling of Vladimir Putin

By Shirley Kennedy | 02/28/2022

U.S. cracks down on a dozen Putin operatives

By Bill Palmer | 02/28/2022

Putin has backed himself into a no win corner

By Robert Harrington | 02/28/2022

Russian stock market goes into a coma, as Russian companies collapse on international stock exchanges

By Bill Palmer | 02/28/2022

This just keeps getting uglier for Marjorie Taylor Greene

By Bocha Blue | 02/28/2022

We’re watching Joe Biden’s finest hour

By Bill Palmer | 02/28/2022


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