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President Joe Biden comes out swinging

By James Sullivan | 03/05/2022

Roger Stone hits the panic button after January 6th video of him emerges and his driver cuts a plea deal

By Bill Palmer | 03/05/2022

Melania Trump’s charity scandal worsens

By Ron Leshnower | 03/05/2022

Vladimir Putin displaying increasingly bizarre behavior as it all falls apart for him

By Bill Palmer | 03/05/2022

Is Putin beginning to lose Belarus too?

By Bill Palmer | 03/05/2022

Visa and Mastercard just dropped the hammer on Russia

By Bill Palmer | 03/05/2022

Setting the record straight

By Robert Harrington | 03/05/2022

Bad news for Steve Bannon

By Bocha Blue | 03/05/2022

President Joe Biden’s approval rating spikes amid Putin showdown

By Bill Palmer | 03/05/2022

Kevin McCarthy just got destroyed

By Bocha Blue | 03/04/2022


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