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Vladimir Putin has new trouble back home in Russia

By Bill Palmer | 03/06/2022

What monsters are made of

By Robert Harrington | 03/06/2022

Vladimir Putin’s paranoia spirals out of control

By Bocha Blue | 03/06/2022

Donald Trump just burned another major loyalist

By Ron Leshnower | 03/06/2022

These QAnon loons are even further gone than we thought

By Bocha Blue | 03/06/2022

British newspaper claims Vladimir Putin is terminally ill

By Bill Palmer | 03/06/2022

Where this goes from here

By Lorraine Evanoff | 03/06/2022

This is just embarrassing for Donald Trump

By Bocha Blue | 03/06/2022

January 6th Committee scores major victory over John Eastman

By Bill Palmer | 03/06/2022

What’s left of Donald Trump’s brain has turned to jello

By Bill Palmer | 03/06/2022


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