Trump-Russia conspirator J.D. Gordon begins ratting out Donald Trump

Watergate had John Dean, the co-conpirator who ended up coming clean and taking down Richard Nixon in the process. Based on the events of this evening, it appears the “John Dean” of Donald Trump’s Russia conspiracy may be a guy named J.D. Gordon. He may not be a name you’ve heard up to this point. But he was a Trump campaign national security adviser. He colluded with Russia. And he’s begun ratting out Trump for his complicity in the Russia conspiracy.
J.D. Gordon was one of the three Donald Trump campaign advisers who has exposed today as having met with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak at the Republican National Convention. This is a key development because the Republican Party altered its party platform at the convention to reverse its policy on the Ukraine, in order to favor Russia. Gordon, who then quit the campaign a few weeks after the convention, now says that Trump himself insisted on the party platform change.
CNN reporter Jim Acosta appeared on-air on Thursday night and stated that he had just gotten off the phone with J.D. Gordon. Acosta reports that during the Republican National Convention, Gordon “did have a conversation with the Russian Ambassador.” He says that Gordon met with the Ambassador twice, and that he admits he was part of the effort to change the language of the Republican Party platform during the convention to eliminate an existing pro-Ukraine policy, which worked in Russia’s favor. But here’s the key.
J.D. Gordon insists Donald Trump himself led the charge in pushing for the platform change, and that Trump had been doing so since March of that year – four months before the convention. You can watch Jim Acosta’s CNN report here. In so doing, J.D. Gordon has begun ratting Trump out. He’s making clear that he was acting on Trump’s orders when he altered the party platform in Russia’ favor. How much more blabbing will Gordon now do about Trump’s complicity in order to protect himself? Contribute to Palmer Report