Sean Spicer accidentally leaves his private notes behind after briefing; reporters snag them

Sean Spicer’s no good very bad horrible week just keeps getting worse for him. There was the opening lie-fest while he was wearing someone else’s suit. There were the two times he accidentally tweeted his own password for all to see. There was the instance where he inexplicably tweeted an article about himself from The Onion, which he appeared to believe was real. And now he’s sloppily left his private notes behind in the White House briefing room, which reporters promptly snagged and posted online.

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In a sign of just how disorganized the Donald Trump’s White House has become, during the middle of Sean Spicer’s press briefing today, someone handed him a note informing him that the day’s political agenda may or may not have changed. That left him dancing around the matter during his briefing. But in a sign that he’s becoming increasingly rattled, after he was finished with the briefing, he left the private note sitting on his podium for all to see. Someone from the media spotted Spicer’s note and tweeted the following photograph:

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The photo was posted by CNN White House Producer Allie Malloy, and it may be appropriately fitting that CNN — the network whom Trump routinely refers to as “fake news” – was the one who was able to get editorial revenge in this manner. The note which Spicer left behind didn’t reveal the juiciest of secrets, but rather instead merely revealed that Trump’s White House agenda is in total chaos because no one there seems to know what they’re doing. But the note could just as easily have been a crucial strategic secret that they wouldn’t have wanted known. And things just keep getting worse for Spicer.

As we’ve previously reported over the past week, Sean Spicer has twice now tweeted his own password on Twitter, and then tweeted an Onion article about himself – the latter of which he never did delete.

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