Sean Hannity seems to think he’s been caught on the Paul Manafort wiretap

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Now that it’s become clear that Special Counsel Robert Mueller is going to take down Donald Trump and it’s far too late for anyone involved to stop it, Trump’s apologists in the media have begun putting on quite the show. They’re suddenly selling the notion that Mueller (despite being a Republican himself) is part of a liberal conspiracy against Trump. It’s good for ratings, if your audience leans toward Trump. But then there’s the case of Sean Hannity, who very much doesn’t seem like he’s putting on a show.

Sean Hannity isn’t exactly a bastion of self control and calm to begin with. But in the week since Michael Flynn cut the fateful plea deal that will allow Mueller take Trump down, Hannity has completely lost whatever small grasp on reality he might have had to begin with. In terms of berserk unhinged meltdowns and screaming wild-eyed tinfoil hat conspiracies, Hannity is now even further out there than Alex Jones. He’s maybe three episodes away from ripping off his shirt and screaming about lizard people.

Hannity is now frantically trying to sell the utterly deranged notion that the FBI is some sort of black hat secret police, and that every agent in the building is part of a vast conspiracy to take Trump down. Moreover, he sounds like he means it. This isn’t an act to please his audience. This is making a desperate plea for people to believe him. Hannity seems to think he’s going down too. This takes us back to an admission Hannity made on-air earlier this year (link). He flat out admitted that he had kept in regular contact with Paul Manafort after the Trump campaign fired him.

It’s already been widely reported that Donald Trump continued to call Manafort on the phone after the firing. We also know that Mike Pence continued to call Manafort during the transition period. We know that Hannity regularly speaks on the phone with Trump, and that he speaks on the phone with Manafort. There is no above-board explanation for any of this. We also know that there was a FISA eavesdropping warrant on Manafort at the time. Now that Manafort is locked up, and Mueller is ready to bust the entire thing wide open, Hannity is going utterly berserk. Has Hannity figured out that he’s on that wiretap? Does he think Manafort really is about to take him down too?

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