Puppet master: Russia’s FSB announced Donald Trump was lifting sanctions before he did

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Earlier today, Donald Trump did what his most cynical skeptics predicted he would do: he lifted Russian sanctions without bothering to offer any justification. Worse, the sanctions he lifted applied directly to the FSB, the Russian government spy agency which helped rig the election in his favor. And to top it all off, the whole thing was apparently so thoroughly orchestrated by the Russian government that their own news agency broke the news before Trump even could.

Trump is a Russian stooge

TASS, which was created as the propaganda news arm of the Soviet Union and still functions in that role with regard to Vladimir Putin’s Russian government, announced this morning that Donald Trump and the United States were lifting sanctions on Russia’s FSB. This was, essentially, the FSB announcing through the Russian government’s de facto media outlet that it had managed to get Trump to remove the sanctions. But the U.S. Treasury Department, which is now under the control of Trump, didn’t announce the news until after TASS had done so.

And so now the United States has an Oval Office occupant who is so thoroughly under the thumb of the Russian government that Russia is now announcing new U.S. policies toward Russia before the U.S. itself announces those policies. Vladimir Putin and the Russian FSB are literally writing United States foreign policy, and publishing it, in order to get Donald Trump to go along with it. Even more strangely, Trump is now claiming he didn’t lift the sanctions in question. Technically, he may be correct: his puppet masters at the Russian FSB simply decided to lift the sanctions on themselves.

Not My PresidentImpeach Trump Now

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