Now we know why Donald Trump Jr. blocked Palmer Report on Twitter last month

Back on June 12th of this year, around four weeks ago, we were surprised to find that Donald Trump Jr had blocked us on Twitter. This stood out because we had never attempted to interact with him; he didn’t block us due to any back-and-forth or conflict. We concluded that he must have seen our reporting on his role in his father’s Russia scandal, which was potentially damning, and panicked. After the events of today, that appears to have been a correct hypothesis.
We had spent months passing along reports from political insiders whose sources were telling them that at least one of Donald Trump’s children had gotten caught up in the Russia collusion scandal, and that there were tapes out there somewhere to prove it. We made the editorial decision to pass it along to readers because it was coming sources that had proven themselves correct in the past, while cautioning readers to take it for what it was (and wasn’t), because it appeared very likely that the scandal and investigation were headed in this direction.
Now that Donald Trump Jr. has publicly confessed today to having met with a Kremlin representative during the campaign and having had a conversation with that representative about dirt on Hillary Clinton, in the New York Times no less (link), we believe that our prior reporting on Trump Jr. has been vindicated. There is still no verification as of yet that Trump Jr. was caught on tape. But his decision to immediately confess after the story hit the newswires is suggestive that he knows hard proof of his Russia conversation is out there, and that he expects it to surface.
In addition, since that time, Donald Trump Sr. has used Twitter to rail against the existence of collusion tapes, an oddly specific denial which logically points to the existence of such tapes. Finally, in the case of the competing online news outlets that absurdly and falsely accused Palmer Report of being “fake news” because we got too far out ahead of them on Trump Jr. collusion, we cheerfully look forward to their heartfelt apologies. If you’re a regular reader, feel free to support Palmer Report